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Where people in Hackney get information

A survey of Hackney residents conducted by Social Action For Health


Health in Mind Annual report of the Director of Public Health 2014-15

Click here to viewPJ58391_Public_Health_Annual_Report_FINAL.pdf

A councillor's guide to the health system

Source By: NAVCA

The Local Government Association has produced an overview of the health
system that emerged from the Health and Care Social Act 2012. Whilst aimed at councillors this does give a clear overview so is of wider interest.

Furthermore it could be a route in to engagement with your local councillors, particularly as it has a list of councillors' "must knows" - the VCS could help local councillors identify the answers for several of these.

Updated guidance on maternity, paternity and adoption rights

Updated guidance on maternity, paternity and adoption rights

Personnel professionals body CIPD has updated its factsheet giving introductory guidance on maternity, paternity and adoption rights to reflect changes due to The Children and Families Act 2014. 'Maternity, paternity and adoption rights' factsheet (registration required) at

Roads to Resilience

Source By: Red Ochre

A report by Cranfield School of Management on behalf of Airmic and sponsored by Crawford, Lockton & PwC.

This brief report is an interesting read, although a lot of it is
self-evident, as is the case with most guides and reports. The general
thrust is resilient organisations are agile and have a culture that
allows them to manage risk effectively.

Roads to Resilience puts people at the centre of risk management which I think can only be a good thing.I like lists and diagrams, as many of you know, and here are the top five principles the report hangs it hat on.


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