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City & Hackney CCG Patient & public Involvement pathways

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HiH Scrutiny Committee Recommendations re Community Mental Health Services
Public Health Briefings from NICE

NICE has developed public health briefings for a range of different
topics. These briefings are meant for local authorities and their
partner organisations in the health and voluntary sectors, in particular
those involved with health and wellbeing boards.

Below is a list of briefings we have published so far. We also have a
number of briefings in development which we will finalise and publish
in the months ahead.

These briefings will be relevant to local authority officers and
councillors, directors of public health, and commissioners and directors
of adult social care and children's services. It will also be relevant
to members of local authority scrutiny committees.

The briefings may also be used alongside the local joint strategic
needs assessment to support the development of joint health and
wellbeing strategies.

Date Issued
PHB 1Tobacco
July 2012
PHB 2Workplace health
July 2012
PHB 3Physical activity
July 2012

To convert a briefing into PDF format for printing, use the 'select
and share' icon that can be found in the top right hand corner of each
briefing. Follow the on-screen prompts to select chapters to email and
download in PDF or Word format.Source NICE

Working together for change: using person-centred information for commissioning

Click here for the Think Local Act Personal guide to using person centred information for commissioning

A protocol for market development for commissioners, providers and service users

A protocol from Think Local Act Personal

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