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Public Health evidence round-up

A new report and return on investment tool has been launched by Public Health England (PHE) to estimate the savings of moving a person into employment from worklessness.

Physical activity
Research from Wales shows that sport has a protective effect overall on people who have had adverse experiences in childhood.

The journal, Public Health Ethics, has collected a group of free to access articles on the ethics of smoking

Community and voluntary sector 
New research from the Kings Fund explores the role of volunteering in General Practices, with 10 case studies. Previous King's Fund research has consideredvolunteering across health and care services.

PHE have produced a new interactive tool to examine data from the "Routes To Diagnosis" dataset - this includes information covering over 3 million cancer cases from the past 10 years, and aims to support doctors and commissioners to improve services

November Integrated Commissioning Update

Please find the November update here.

City and Hackney multi-agency FGM protocol

City and Hackney multi-agency FGM protocol

LGBTQI+ Disabled People

Healthier City & Hackney Fund -

The slides explaining the Healthier City & Hackney Fund

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