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Who are the VCSETLG members?

We have 7 VCSE representatives who were selected through a transparent recruitment process. The representatives, work for local VCSE organisations, but volunteer their time to represent and think through how the VCSE can contribute to the Integrated Care System.

The VCSE TLG also has representatives of the VCSE networks who sit on the Board as full voting members, each network decides the process for how they elect / select these.

The VCSE TLG  is supported administratively by Hackney CVS.

The VCSE TLG  have been successful in getting under way or influencing the development  of the wider infrastructure needed to ensure VCSE involvement in the longer term including:

  • a directory of services - work is going on to create one dataset that directories can draw on
  • bringing together care navigation roles to see how they fit together and ensure they are aware of all services and activities in the sector
  • a digital referral platform that will enable VCSE organisations to feedback to GPs
  • a VCSE led pilot in one neighbourhood to work out how the VCSE needs to organise around primary care networks and evidence our role and value in supporting our local communities

Also, the VCSE is leading on one of the prevention priorities of supported employment through the Supported Employment Network.

We need your views and involvement
The voluntary community and social enterprise transformation leadership group has a memorandum of understanding here - let us know any comments / changes.

The VCSE TLG is accountable to the networks - Health & Social Care Forum; Children and Families Forum; Charedi community,  and is currently seeking representatives from the Refugee and Migrant Forum and the Hackney Advice Forum.  Where there is an obvious network for a workstream the network will elect / select the representative - ie the MHSIG will shortly be deciding the process to agree the VCSE representative on the MH Coordinating Committee.

We also have a number of representative vacancies that we are not able to recruit to at the moment due to capacity issues. This work is not funded.


VCSE Transformation Leadership Group Members

Representatives on ICS boards

Network representatives

  • Yocheved Eiger - Interlink - Charedi VCSE network -
  • Hackney Refugee & Migrant - process to elect representative  to be discussed at next refugee and Migrant Forum Meeting 5th February 2020
  • Hackney Advice Forum - Process to elect representative to be discussed 12th Match 2020



Current Vacancies for Representative roles

  • Prevention Workstream - no capacity to recruit currently
  • Planned Care Workstream - no capacity to recruit currently
  • Communication & Coproduction (ICCE) - no capacity to recruit currently 
  • MH Coordinating Commitee (Process to be decided at MH SIG )
  • Sustainability representative - recruitment to commence shortly if funding agreed.
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